SG51 Rolling Marathon Terms and Conditions

By participating in this event, you agree that you understand the risks involved and is willing to be responsible for your own safety. You will not hold any personnel or staff from Skateline Pte Ltd responsible for any injury or unfortunate incidents in any circumstance. You agree to comply with all the necessary instructions during the marathon.

  • Electric rides must comply with the necessary rules and regulation as stated by Land Transport Authority.
  • For electric riders, please check the maximum distance you can cover based on your battery ability. You may not be able to cover the entire route.
  • Protective gears are recommended but not mandatory.
  • The marathon will start on time.
  • The marathon will be adjourned or cancelled in case of inclement weather. Please ensure that you are prepared for such circumstances.
  • Cancellation will be published on the official event page on Facebook and official Skateline website only.
  • Route is subjected to changes without prior notice.
  • Event may or may not continue if inclement weather is encountered during the marathon, based on the discretion of the captain.
  • Ensure that you are physically fit. Condition yourself before the marathon if necessary.
  • If you have a medical condition, please consult a doctor to check if you are suitable to participate in this marathon.
  • Have sufficient rest before the marathon.
  • Warm-up adequately to avoid cramps and strains.
  • Ensure that your equipment is in a serviceable condition to avoid equipment failure or damage. Get a new set of wheels or a new brake pad if necessary.
  • Should you fall out in the midst of the marathon, please arrange for your own transportation.
  • Young children should be escorted by adults.
  • Stay hydrated throughout the marathon to avoid heat injuries. Carrying water with you is highly recommended.
  • Alert the skate captain if you are feeling unwell and unable to continue.
  • Expect overhead bridges and underpasses. Bike and scooter riders should dismount and push your rides across such areas.
  • Be alert to potential hazards and avoid them if necessary.
  • Give way to pedestrians and other road users. Do not cause any disturbance or trouble to the public.
  • Multiple traffic crossings are expected. Obey traffic rules and only cross at designated areas.
  • Try to keep up with the group pace and stay together as a group.
  • Keep off the roads unless instructed otherwise by the skate captain/marshals.
  • Keep a vigil lookout for fellow participants and offer help if necessary.
  • All expenses at pit stops are self-provisional. Bring along sufficient cash.